
We at The Green Grocer strive to provide you with fresh harvest, great quality products. We do our due diligence by inspecting all items prior to delivery to ensure that standard is up to code.

There will be occasions however when the quality of an item may not be to your liking or may have been accidentally overlooked. Should an occasion such as this arise upon receipt of your order, please call the attention of our staff on delivery so that we can immediately attend to the matter and resolve the issue.

For any item found to be questionable in quality after delivery, please fill up our Delivery Feedback Form below with clear photos of the product so that we can attend to the issue immediately. We will be happy to provide a replacement pending an investigation.

Due to the nature of our business and sensitivity of the products we carry,
we will only entertain exchanges and returns within two (2) days from delivery date.

For items whose issues we have no control, such as fruit with internal defects (granted an unblemished exterior),
please understand that we are unable to accommodate returns.

Submit a Delivery Feedback

IMPORTANT: Fill this form completely and include detailed information of the issue at hand.

    In order to address your issue in the soonest possible manner, this form requires all fields to be filled before submitting.

    Damaged item deliveredIncorrect item deliveredLate deliveryPoor customer serviceReport rider issue

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